Fairbank Arizona Jail...Or Is It?

5 months ago

On the backside of what is left of the old Post Office is a room with bars on the windows...could this have been a jail?

This is a really good site for all things Tombstone, this guy has put the work in:


Tombstone Travel Tips:


This is a great site about mining in general:

Western Mining History: https://westernmininghistory.com/

These sites are all about abandoned railroads, really interesting:

Abandoned Rails: http://www.abandonedrails.com/

Forgotten Railways, Roads & Places: https://www.frrandp.com/p/the-map.html

These guys do tours, hikes etc to ghost towns on the San Pedro river area:

Friends of the san pedro river: http://sanpedroriver.org/wpfspr/

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