Dennis Bodden OIS from Pineville Police

7 months ago

An off-duty police sergeant in uniform near the store found the suspect in the parking lot and was met with a “level of resistance,” according to authorities. The sergeant followed the suspect, 46-year-old Dennis Bodden, of Charlotte, across the road, and Bodden continued to ignore any orders. Police backup was requested.

A physical altercation between the two happened when, police say, Bodden became “physically confrontational.” The sergeant used his Taser, but Bodden was unaffected and walked off.

Officials say a Pineville officer arrived as backup and also used their Taser when they perceived Bodden “actively resisting” their attempts to arrest the man.

Bodden, again unaffected by the Taser, lunged at the police sergeant and tried to grab his weapon, according to authorities. In that moment, the sergeant shot his gun.

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