2 months ago

Shaw Ryan interview with actor Jim Caviezel who played Jesus in "The Passion of The Christ" and "Sound of Freedom". The interview was censored on YouTube. Watch and find out why Jim Caviezel said "RELIGION IS SHIT"! Watch J.J. Carrel retired Homeland Security Officer expose how in present day 500,000 to one million children in USA have been sold into human trafficking child rape trade in US/Foreign Countries and delivered to million dollar neighborhoods in US and how politicians in Congress profit from the rape of children and organ trafficking. C.C Risenhoover (CIA) and retired Baptist Minister states "Some people use Christianity to excuse their gutless, wimpy reactions to what’s going on in the world today. Instead of contradicting and confronting satanic evil head-on, they roll over like possums and play dead. That, they contend, is what Jesus would do. What a joke. Jesus was the bravest man in the history of the world. If He had not been, there would have been no crucifixion, or salvation for any of us. In Luke 22:36, He said, “…and he that has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one.” And when slapped on one cheek, He said we should, “Turn the other,” which was a way of showing disdain for the person who slapped you..​If you think Jesus was cowardly, read the 23rd chapter of Matthew. And understand that he was talking to the religious leaders of his day. Religious (not Christian) leaders of today are okay with abortion, sexual perversion, both the sodomizing and sacrifice of children, cannibalism, human trafficking, lying and war, worldwide murder and rape by Islamists, drug and vaccine murder, and the annihilation of white people.They may tout themselves as Christians, but in truth they represent the Church of Satan. I’ve been criticized for calling both them and our government excrement, so I’ll tone it down a bit and just call both Epstein Island. Beginning with “Operation Paperclip” at the end of World War II, we have been brainwashed by church and state to accept a country run by Communists and Nazis. "We love our friend and colleague Baptist Pastor CC Risenhoover. He served in the CIA and received the gold metal for military Service Order of Foreign Wars for classified action on part of the US in 1954. Later under President Jimmy Carter‘s administration, he was assigned to follow Palestinian and political leader Yasser Arafat in the Middle East. C.C. was also an investigative reporter of what at the time was the largest electronic warfare developer in the US. He published over 1000 magazine articles and has written 22 books…mystery, thriller novels, Christian and political opinion books. CC does not support the Rapture theory nor the Scofield Bible. Sadly C.C. passed away on Friday, August 2, 2024. He was 89 years young. We feel in spirit he is glowing knowing his powerful words are in support of the Children of God. THE TRUTH SETS AUTHENTIC CHRISTIANS FREE!!!

Obituary: C.C. Risenhoover
AUGUST 7, 2024

Carmel Credille (C.C.) Risenhoover, Baptist pastor, accomplished author and professional communicator, died Aug. 2 in Temple. He was 88. He was born June 18, 1936, in Broken Bow, Okla., to Viola and Credille Risenhoover and grew up in Jasper. During high school, he excelled in academics, football and baseball. He later went on to pitch for the Jasper Steers, an otherwise all-Black barnstorming professional baseball team in 1954. He wrote the novel White Heat based on that experience, and he sold the movie option for a motion picture called Outside the Lines. He earned both a Bachelor of Arts degree and a Master of Arts degree from Baylor University, and he later served as Baylor’s public relations director. He served as an airman in the U.S. Air Force and received the Meritorious Service Medal awarded by the Military Order of Foreign Wars of the United States for selfless and classified service during conflict and war, which resulted in sacrifice and injury. His professional background included working as an investigative reporter and serving as editorial consultant for the nation’s largest electronic warfare systems developer. He was the first baseball coach at what was then called Houston Baptist College. He served as a professor at Sam Houston State University, Eastfield College, Southern Methodist University, Henderson State University and Chemeketa College. He also was press representative for the Baptist General Convention of Texas, assistant to the president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Radio and Television Commission and executive director of Lifeline World Mission. His pastorates included First Baptist Church in Kirbyville; Elwood Baptist Church in Forest Hill, La.; Old Spanish Trail Baptist Church in Houston; Gateway Baptist Church in Granbury; and The Church on Thistle Ridge in Granbury. He wrote the script for the Promise Keepers film titled The Awesome Power of Shared Belief and was ghostwriter of the book Once Upon a Texas Train, which was made into a CBS-TV movie. He was the author of more than 40 books and wrote more than 1,000 articles and stories published in 50 magazines. He was recommended for the Pulitzer Prize and Ernie Pyle Award, Black History Month Friendship Award for work on racial reconciliation and the Arkansas Governor’s Award. He was an avid fisherman and outdoorsman. He is survived by his wife of 30 years and partner in ministry, Georgia Risenhoover of Temple; son, Paul Risenhoover of Granbury; daughter, Elizabeth Buchanan and husband Bob of Dallas; son, Tim Risenhoover and wife Karen of Florida; daughter, Robyn Risenhoover of Fort Worth; daughter, Bran Brogdon of Virginia; son, Jeff Risenhoover of Fort Worth; son, Justin Risenhoover of Temple; 11 grandchildren; and three sisters, Roberta Lynch of Nederland, Mary DeRorre of Jasper and Emma Jones of Andrews.

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