WEEKLY UPDATE - 4 August 2024

7 months ago

In this update we bring you a unique view of events going on in the United Kingdom and relate them to other events around the world. We look at connections that have not yet been made and tie everything back to the work we do on the Sky&Earth Anomalies team and The Boom Review.

Theories are presented as theories, and where there is more than one possible interpretation those are listed. Of course there could be many more. Let us know your thoughts on the events going on in the UK now.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the material gathered for this update, specifically Amanda for the 'hotspot' regions in the UK.

Paris Photo by Amada MA on Unsplash
Music Fall of the Roman Empire, White Records on Pixabay
Paris Photographs: https://www.npr.org/2024/07/26/g-s1-13775/first-look-photos-from-paris-olympics-opening-ceremony
Sky New footage: https://news.sky.com/story/tear-gas-used-to-break-up-anti-government-protests-in-nairobi-13162316

The research, writing and videos I do for The Boom Review are fully independent.

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