Jakoba's Reign of Terror (pt - 44)

7 months ago

Jakoba has a cannibal feast and broadcasts it. The idea is to thwart usurpers from attempting to take the throne. The Rokat know how much they can cut from a human before they die from shock. They also plan to eat their enemies alive. Jakoba plans to feed his soldiers live humans as sustenance on his missions to Earth. Jakoba and Gimosu plan to overwhelm Earth’s militaries with the 220 million in the Virgin Vanguard, but start with the 60,000 in the 3-wave plan brought up earlier. Much talk about what legion s will do what and deployments of said legions. Jakoba realizes his 220-million-man army will not be ready, but they talk about how to divide up Earth among allies. 88th Legion is planned to staff the San Francisco mission. Jakoba ultimately plans for a 3-day mission with any more days as a bonus if things go well. Jakoba offers control of Michiro over to Sockness. Jakoba will send Sockness and Alicia to Kidasuna while he carries out a colonization mission. Jakoba plans to divide Earth’s habitable regions into prefectures for settlement. Jakoba focuses on Europe for colonization along with the US, China and India. Jakoba plans out how to move resources out of uninhabitable Africa to the north. Earth is said to sustain 350 million Rokat at peak capacity. Jakoba and crew go to a treehouse for some leisure time. The teahouse is known to not allowed human slaves to enter. Jakoba asserts his dominance over the teahouse staff. Jakoba and crew begin to get high of various teas. Jakoba contacts Sockness while high on a magical brew. Sockness longs for contact with Jakoba to be in person. Jakoba admits he wants Sockness to warm the throne while he is on campaign. Sockness agrees to rule as a steward while Jakoba go on campaign. Jakoba has claimed the resources of Puthade as his own. He claims the greatest value might be the horse humanoids. Jakoba and Bochi talk about various treasures contained in Puthade’s treasury.

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