Moonshine Distillation - Small reflux alcohol still.

6 months ago

Hello, I have an old continuous still that I built a long time ago. It's a concept distiller that can be easily converted into a reflux still by adding an extra column on top of the steam generator. If I remove the column and plug the steam generator on the top, it will become a small stripping still.Currently, I'm running two columns altogether to process a little amount of sugar-based wash. The unit has a small capacity of 1.5 kilowatts. The alcohol percentage is about 85%, and I collect heads in a separate container. I also collect good alcohol separately and cut some tails. The unit separates water, which I run at the end of distillation to ensure that I have converted all the alcohol.
#moonshinestill #moonshine #distillation #refluxstill #alcohol

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