General Flynn: Contesting Fake Venezuela election - Then CIA and our system too

6 months ago

General Flynn says that contesting the Venezuelan elections could have major implications for America because some of our voting systems actually began in Venezuela and our CIA has a long time relationship with them. 👀
He says the woman contesting Maduro has a chance to expose the system and start a domino effect for America. One has to wonder how much cheating they will attempt in the 2024 US election. How can we trust our election system?
"It still appears like there's gonna be a contest in Venezuela and that contest could turn into a revolution…physical revolution, you know military forces against military forces people against people, and basically…people that are fighting for freedom over the communist regime of Maduro. And if the outcome…turns on the communist and it becomes this new president, this this this woman down there who seems to be very strong very courageous, and good for her. The consequences of that have great consequences have huge consequences for the United States of America. Because in Venezuela one of the things that we're we're our voting systems okay is this tie into the United States. Our voting systems and voting systems around the world, many of them actually began in Venezuela. They were created in Venezuela. And our CIA has a long-time relationship with some of these organizations. So I know is that If this woman wins and gets into the presidency the ability for her to expose what has been happening inside of communist Venezuela in terms of corruption that has impacted the rest of the world is going to be mind-blowing. It'll be explosive. It's not gonna happen overnight, but it'll all happen. The US administration came out and said it gave a blurb about you know hey we gotta stand for freedom and you know we're joining together. No. These people. They don't want this woman to win. Because if she wins, then then this is another one of these things. Another signal. Another indicator for the United States of America and the people of this of our country to then say look, we need to stand our ground for freedom. We can't have this communist takeover of the United States of America. And that's why I don't even use the term Democrat or Democratic anymore. I don't do it because The party that is on the left is a communist socialist party that has taken control of the reins of government and they're tied in with these globalists and these globalists, they want control and power over the United States, and the resources of the United States. Like it or not. And I wish that more media actually talked about it but many conservative media don't even talk about it."



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