Comments 203 and 204: 666 & Black People’s Worldwide Severe Lack Of Vision

6 months ago

Comment Number 203 is on the World Net Daily Website on INSTICATOR and Comment Number 204 is on the 2NACHEKI channel. The evidence is clear and undeniable that 666 has been adopted by many past and present secret societies. With this in mind, is it possible, knowing that secret societies existed in the past, to conclude that maybe, just maybe a secret society that existed within the Catholic Church and still might exist gave the world the 66 Books that are in most Protestant Bibles -- 39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament? The vast majority of Black people worldwide suffer from a severe lack of "Vision", "Self Realization", "Self Determination", "Self Actualization", "Self Reliance", "Systemic Aggregation" and "Systemic Unification". Until these problems are addressed and solved, millions of Black people aren't going anywhere except back into "Servitude", Psychological Prostitutionalization, Regimentation, and "Institutionalization".

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