Part 2 8/3 5 pm PST

7 months ago

Part 2 Sat, Aug 3rd, 5 PM PST/8 PM EST with follow up Q&A & live chat. What are slow codes and death panels? Who created the computation metrics? Who is in control of your #healthcare? What is The Pillar Theory and #PrecisionMedicine? How is quality of life factored? What is the difference in outcomes for private pay/insurance vs #Medicare #HHS patients? Was the goal of stripping severely #Disabled #chronicillness & #chronicpain patients of lifesaving, safe analgesics a #humantrial #experimentation #study to collect #Data in order to produce #mrna #vaccines #vaccine #pharma R&D to alter #genetic #biology? Who are the #stakeholders and investors? What do they gain by imposing preventable early death? Why are #overdose and suicide numbers rising while prescribing is way down? Why were "street" drugs #socially tolerated as #Fentanyl floods streets while well-tracked prescriptions are villified? What is legacy media's role? What can average citizens do to return health care to #doctors and #patients ? @4_The_Citizens has done the heavy lifting. Hear their discoveries regarding #PublicHealth #PublicPrivatePartnetship It's beyond time every citizen understands the facts. Join us in stopping #humanrightsabuse and protecting our most vulnerable. Nobody is immune to this evil. #UniteUp #unite

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