Messiah's Praise Worthy Women E4 Responding to Godly Men Rising Up

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When we talk about the 144,000 and the restoration of the Remnant of Israel, we often talk about how "the men need to rise up." But we can often forget as women, that we also play a role in whether or not they will step up. We can create the obstacles that make it difficult for them to rise up to their place. This is especially true when it comes to how their calling affects our relationships with them. Following God's will is likely to require changes, and how we respond to that makes a big difference. If we are not also walking in the Holy Spirit, placing YHWH above all else, then how will we be a help instead of a hindrance in their calling? How will we respond & adapt well to the many changes required as the last days progress? If we fail to take responsibility for our role and the effects we're having, how will we overcome any obstacles the devil creates using us? How will we avoid being a stumbling block or being stumbled ourselves? The answers lie in the difference between the fleshly woman and the Spirit-led woman. The fleshly woman will stumble but the Spirit-led woman will overcome and help to overcome.

This month's discussion is on the story of the fleshly woman Herodias and her response to both a fleshly man Herod, and a Spirit-led man John the Immerser. There is much we can learn from her example about what NOT TO DO, as well as the obstacles we might face within when dealing with our fleshly selves. Join us and our special Tsiyon Academy guest Paula as we explore the differences between the Spirit-led woman and the fleshly woman.

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