Henry Ford Hemp Powered car💯🔥☝️

7 months ago

Henry Ford & Rudolf Diesel Against Petroleum Part 1 - #dieselgate What is DIESELGATE? NIKOLA TESLA was the first to properly and fully describe and patent the concept of "RELUCTANCE MOTORS", "RECIPROCATING ENGINES", as applied to ALL INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES & later ALL TURBINES (and all other analogies). It was concluded by Ford Motor Company, when developing the 1986 Formula 1 Reciprocating Engine, that SOFTWARE would be the only way to regulate all engines at high frequency, so that the engines would not blow up, vibrate to pieces or melt instantaneously. First, in August 1892, Rudolph Diesel claims the invention of the first internal combustion engine using by filing a patent for a pressure based igniter for the ignition of gasses to turn gas into work. It claims to be a process for the ignition of gasses in an internal engine. By July 1895, three months after Tesla's 6 story lab burned down, the Diesel patent was approved. However, it still provided NO MODEL. Further, the first replication of the Diesel engine wasn't made until 1897-1898 and wasn't displayed to the public by 1900. More recently, the Ford Formula 1 Turbo Engine of 1986 is Nikola Tesla's A/C induction engine with electro-magenetic recycling of 1887, his reluctance engine of 1888, his reciprocating engine of 1893, his electrical igniter for gas engines of 1897. It is revealed in the Ford produced F1 documentary below (though not noted at Wikipedia for the F1), that it's turbo compound-engine is using the concept of running two turbines, as in the Tesla Turbine of 1909-1911, running them against each-other, using the concept of compounding gasses. Tesla was able to achieve 10 horsepower per pound with an alleged efficiency of 97% with his compounding Turbines - In the below Ford documentary on the development of the F1 includes the previously Tesla described phenomena of compounding two engine's against each other, reciprocation, emf recycling, pulse width modulation, reluctancy, vibration, quiver and rouge signals, synchronicity, ground effect using fluid dynamics and the need Software
Henry Ford Hemp Powered car,
Hemp , cannabis , strongest plastic, best fuel , Ford , Omar Samson , Free Humanity ,.weed can save the world , fuck nuclear energy! ,
Self propelled , magnet motors, hydrogen , Ionic thrust, Ionic propulsion 💯🔥☝️

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