Bubba Smithing Tools of the Ambidextral Gunfighter

7 months ago

Ambidextral Store

HFS Parrot Vise
Read Avid Smart Bench Block
Wheeler Torque Wrench
Pioneer Woman Paring Knife
Klemma Kid's Knife

My all time favorite vise was an old hammer forged Versa-Vise. Supremely handy aboard our junk rigged sailboat… sadly a former friend permanently borrowed it. Replaced with a cast iron Chinese copy…the HFS Parrot Vise. Mounted on a piece of 2x10, I can easily move and clamp it where needed. And the jaws can be positioned vertically or horizontally.

A homemade kydex press allows me to fabricate holsters for my P17’s as well as for knives like the infamous Pioneer Woman Paring knife or a play dough slicing Zlemma kids knife.

The Real Avid Smart Bench Block replaced a roll of duct tape a few years ago. Non marring and magnetic so it captures springs and pins. Gives me confidence when doing little bubba smithing jobs.

Wheeler Torque wrench so I don’t bubba guestimate the tightness of optics mounting screws. Despite years of doing shade tree mechanic stuff, the torque wrench has taught me that I have a tendency to overtighten things.

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