Summoning Strategy Angels to Crown and Fist

2 months ago

Misread notes: Musca angels stars Aligns with 2005 on a Ninety Year Delta on the Earth Chakra making the next date 2095, so part of the invocation of PIVDiNG might rather be: "And these stars in cycles of ninety year deltas
Last in two thousand five: where was felt the surrender to be more alive"
The idea is surrender to a greater strategy which usurps your mortal plans.
It's good to know when times align, along with this solar degree of eleven degrees Leo which is particular. However, no waiting for times are ever needed. The solar system and the cycles of the universe are in us.

Pathwork for the Week:
Also look at the pathwork for Week 35 on the orange menu of the entry page, as we are moving with these current angels into that energy
Substack hardcopy of dreams written:
(A bit more angel technical with the ANIMATED Comic)
The Time Temple Compass Card Deck gives you the tools to get the names of the one hundred and forty four thousand off the cube temple of God made of the classic Enochian Watchtowers, the Light Watchtower hidden in the proper, John Dee, Liber Loageth, and the Void Watchtower.
This deck gives you meditations in time throughout the year for every day of the year based on rigorous esoteric practice with angels.
And this deck shows you how to align the thirty two paths of the Tree of Life in common items around a room.
90 second reel with the key angel for the day:
60 Second G-Tok with the angel of the day:

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