August 02, 2024 P1/4 “INSANE” JEREMIAH 50:38

2 months ago

rumble | P1/4 Friday August 02, 2024 — HOLY SPIRIT LEAD! The word from the LORD today: #INSANE

Jeremiah 50:38 A drought is against her waters, and they will be dried up. For it is the land of carved images, And they are #insane with their idols. NKJV

We are part of the remnant church. We are a non tax code system (non 501(c)3) Christian church, we are a free church as Scripture defined in Scriptures entirety, we are individually saved by God by faith in God & Jesus Christ from the power of Satan. We serve God & Jesus Christ Himself, each one is personally responsible himself or herself to God, to believe God, pray to God the Father in Jesus name, to serve God, to obey God, to perform the commandments of God & to keep the faith in Jesus Christ individually.

God tells the truth & let every man be a liar! God rules! Christ reigns supreme! Both the Father & the Son are One, the LORD is One, Elohiym is One, who is God the Father & The Son & The Holy Spirit & are One. The Triune God!

We’re dead to our sin alive in God & Jesus Christ according to Scripture alone! The blood of Christ under the covenant has washed all of our sins away. By faith in Christ, for God’s glory, by the grace of God, by His mercy we don’t get what we deserve which is literally eternal jail the fire of hell which God has rescued some from. Are you born again? Or are you not?

I have been called by God & Jesus Christ, preacher - evangelist, Robert P. Smart, A soldier for Christ by the power of God by faith in Christ with the original bmxministry™️ Official Worldwide & The Read The Bible Campaign at The Gathering Christian Church. It’s all about Jesus!

VOTE #TRUMP! @realdonaldtrump ONLY! #PRAY4TRUMP 🇺🇸❌37

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