Is IVERMECTIN Really Safe? The Other Side of the Story - Studies Indicate it Tanks Fertility & More

2 months ago

After doing a couple of days of research on this, I have decided to remove my affiliate of Ivermectin.

Thanks to a couple of commenters on this channel about six months ago for bringing this to my attention, I finally decided to take a deeper look when a friend sent me an email the other day.

I did not just make this decision from this video or another Tim Truth video. I included some sources below and there are a ton more that I didn’t include as I could spend a couple more days researching this.

I am not saying to avoid Ivermectin at all costs because there is evidence that it works, it just scares me of the cumulative effects resulting in behavioral, neurological and physiological changes in the longer term and an incredible increase in infertility rates.

We could have a double PSYOP ongoing in which they actually were truthful about the dangers of Ivermectin as it was effective in treating Covid but the effects down the road can be horrifying and cause infertility.

Here is a brief summary what I found:

Merck created a concoction in a lab, said it was the same as the dirt-bacteria, and it was called Avermectin / Avermectin B1.

Ivermectin is a chemically modified derivative of Avermectin B1.

When Ivermectin first went to market it was sold as a parasite medicine for animals. This chemical blend was labeled “25 times more potent” than existing parasite medications.

Merck’s human-drugs division realized that if Ivermectin could enter the human market the profit potential was unfathomable.

Merck did what it needed to do to demonstrate that this product (recently discovered in a golf course soil sample then produced in a lab with chemicals) was a cure for humans too.

In 1981 the WHO supported Merck in their clinical trials for River Blindness (supposedly caused by multiple bites of black fly larvae).

In 1987 the drug Mectizan was approved in humans, just 6 years after approved for animals. This was the very first, original version of Ivermectin.

If you google, it says Ivermectin was first approved in 1996. It was approved for other parasitic conditions in 96. The original first approved in 1986.

It is derived from chemically / synthetically lab-made Avermectins, which we are told is the same as the dirt-bacteria discovered by a man -- Satoshi Ōmura at a golf course.

You can make the case that Ivermectin made Merck, it went on to become one of their best sellers – it made over $1 Billion in 25 years, which going back to the 80’s and 90’s was an astronomical number.

The bacteria in the soil discovered by Satoshi Ōmura was Streptomyces avermitilis (S. avermitilis).

Ivermectin is being made in a lab through microbial fermentation.

S. Avermitilis 41445 is the bacterial strain is what they start with. The feed it yeast extract, malt extract, and glucose (YMG) to grow it.

Ethidium Bromide (EB) is needed to stain DNA – they use this sh*t in PCR tests also. It is used to detect nucleic acids and double stranded DNA.

Ethyl Methanesulfonate (EMS) is needed. It is an ethyl ester of methanesulfonic acid. EMS is the most commonly used chemical mutagen in experimental genetics.

Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation is used to grow the bacteria.

Other Optional Ingredients: Glucose, Soluble Starch, a-amylase, K2HPO4, CaCO3, KCL, Yeast Extract, MgSO4.7H2O, NaCl, (NH4)2SO4, Malt Extract, CoCl2.6H20, Soya Flour, MnSO4.H20, FeSO4.7H2O, and ZnSO4.7H20.

All of those ingredients are going to eventually result in the production of Avermectins, which they call industrially derived mutants.

These lab-made GMO Avermectins, created from mutant bacteria (Streptomyces avrrmitillis) are so toxic that they kill Arthropods.

They are an effective Insecticide.

Arthropods are invertebrates with jointed legs, including lobsters, crabs, scorpions, bees, butterflies, spiders and more. They make up of 84% of known species on the planet.

This could be a perfect weapon for the Cabal to put in the Water and in Chemtrails.

Do you recall the idiot CIA controlled Charlie Ward saying that Trump’s Vaccines were Ivermectin?

I was saying at the time if he is right that would be a total violation of the Nuremberg Code, it would be more on the illegal line than actual Covid jabs. I spent 15 years investing in baby bios / pharmas and knew the second this bs was said that this guy is controlled and I need to research the hell out of Trump.

Another version of Ivermectin is called Abamectin. It is used as an Insecticide. Abamectin differs from ivermectin, the popular member of the avermectin family, by a double bond between carbons 22 and 25.

It is the main ingredient in Cockroach Bait.

Ivermectin was registered as a Fire Ant Killer back in 1981.

It is said that this drug has a safe and effective profile for multiple decades, but it cannot be argued that it has to be toxic and there are studies that definitely back it up.

You don’t swallow pills that kill ants, other insects and anthropods and expect it to be overall healthy for the body. Ivermectin is a toxin. It does kill parasites.

But what are cumulative effects?

The very question we should all be asking about vaccines.

To think that Ivermectin is only toxic to insects is crazy.

Toxins go straight to liver to be neutralized, so while our liver may be quite capable of neutralizing these toxins quickly, what toll is this consumption taking on the liver and what are the cumulative effects?

Ivermectin kills 84% of life on this planet and it is perfectly safe for us?

From being an investor in the biopharm sector for 15 years I read a lot of clinical trials and ALL of these drugs are TOXIC.

So when we hear the phrase “Pick Your Poison”, that is EXACTLY what you are doing when being prescribed medications.

The Ivermectin injection for animals contains 1% Ivermectin, 40% glycerol formal, and propylene glycol, q.s ad 100% (as much as is sufficient).

Chemical Composition / Ingredients & Concentration %:

Propylene glycol – 49%
1,3-Dioxan-5-ol – 40%
Butanone – 10%
Ivermectin – 1%

It is highly flammable.

See source #4 below and go to the Section 2 Hazards Identification section – yes, this is the animal injection, but look at the toxicity hazards.


1. Tim Truth --

2. Ivermectin & Population Control Poison: a Deep Dive into a Nobel Prize Winning Medicine -- Is Ivermectin Safe --

3. Pesticide Fact Sheet --

3. Ivermectin, the Anthelmintic and Insecticide --

4. Ivermectin Injection for Animals with Propylene Glycol – Merck Data Sheet -

5. Ultimate Guide To Anti-Fertility Ivermectin Genocide: 14 Studies Showing It Wrecks Fertility --

6. Adverse effects of repeated doses of Ivermectin alone or with the combination of vitamin C on reproductive system of female rabbits --

7. Assessment of antifertility activities of abamectin pesticide in male rats --

8. Toxicological and pathological studies of Ivermectin on male albino rats -- * Results: Decrease in Sperm Count & Increase In Abnormal Sperm In White Albino Rats Given Ivermectin --

9. Pathological studies on effects of ivermectin on male and female rabbits --

10. Effects of ivermectin and its combination with alpha lipoic acid on expression of IGFBP-3 and HSPA1 genes and male rat fertility -- Conclusion: Ivermectin has undesirable effects on male fertility and altered expression of IGFBP-3 and HSPA1 genes in the testes, while the administration of alpha lipoic acid can ameliorate the adverse effects of ivermectin.

11. Ivermectin reduces sexual behavior in female rats --

12. Effects of Ivermectin therapy on the sperm functions of Nigerian
onchocerciasis patients -- Nigeria Study Finds Significant Reduction in Sperm Count, Sperm Motility & Bizarre Sperm Abnormalities Post-Ivermectin --

13. Effect of ivermectin on male fertility and its interaction with P-glycoprotein inhibitor (verapamil) in rats --

14. Sheep Study Finds Drop In Sperm Motility & Concentration Post-Ivermectin --

15. History of Mectizan – History of Ivermectin --

16. 35 Years: The Mectizan® Donation Program
The Mectizan Donation Program is the longest-running, disease-specific drug donation program of its kind --

17. Tim Truth – Ivermectin Genocide – 14 Studies Indicate Ivermectin Tanks Fertility --

18. Deaths Associated with Ivermectin Treatment of Scabies – Nursing Home Horrified when 15 of 47 patients dies within 6 months or 32% of Seniors Treated with Ivermectin for Scabies Died --

19. An Ivermectin Influencer Died. Now His Followers Are Worried About Their Own ‘Severe’ Symptoms. --


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END. 8/3/2024 – 3:00 PM

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