Is Trump The Trojan Horse For A Techno-Fascist Police State With Bio-Surveillance & Digital ID?

1 month ago

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It is my opinion that Trump will WIN ‘Selection 2024’ not because of merit but because he has been CHOSEN as the best pitchman to Republicans and conservatives on all the things they despise like CBDC, digital ID and the bio-surveillance techno-fascist state.

And they will accept this police state repackaged, renamed and in the context of an emergency, the same way they accepted the lockdowns and deadly vaccines. They will accept it all because amazingly … they still TRUST Donald Trump. And the globalists are counting on that trust to deliver the final components of tyranny in the 21st Century.

Many Trump supporters long for the booming economy they enjoyed during the first 3 years of the his presidency and sadly believe that his election in 2024 will usher the good ol’ days of economic prosperity and stability.

However, it is way more likely we will be delivered an economic crisis of epic proportion and a border emergency in the first hundred days of a Trump presidency. This will set up a terrifying moment in history where he will have to choose between the people who put him in power and We The People and our Constitution.

No one understands this dynamic MORE than The Strident Conservative, David Leach. His new book entitled The New Axis of Evil: Exposing the Bipartisan War on Liberty shines a bright light on this terrifying new development in American politics and brings ALL the receipts.

Tune in today for this FASCINATING conversation!!

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