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7 months ago

It takes balls to stand up for what you know is right.

About 20% of us were able to resist the greatest brainwashing campaign of the modern era. It feels like way more are waking up to the lies we've been told for decades. That's a good thing. People don't change their opinions too easily, because it means they have to admit they were wrong. If you're trying to open someone's eyes, be patient. Give it time. Slowly present them with facts. Let them come to their own decision. If they have any ability to critically think . their eyes will begin to open. The world needs strong men.


#knowmorenews #adamgreen


Throughout history, we have witnessed a cyclical pattern of human civilization reaching unprecedented technological advancement, only to be followed by the tragic loss of countless innocent lives. This pattern seems to repeat itself every 70 to 100 years, a disturbing trend that demands closer examination. At the height of our technological prowess, a troubling dynamic emerges - a small elite group manages to gain exclusive access to critical knowledge and information that the vast majority of the population is denied. While the masses toil away, building the business empires and generational wealth that empowers this privileged few, they are deliberately kept in the dark about the lessons of the past. This asymmetry of power is the true "magic" at play, a sleight of hand that obscures the painful truth - that those in control deliberately hoard wisdom and understanding, weaponizing their monopoly on knowledge to maintain their dominance. It is this very lack of access to the vital lessons of history that enables the cycle of mass culling to continue unabated. Time and again, the public is left vulnerable, unable to draw upon the wisdom needed to prevent the horrors that befall them. This is the cruel irony - that our greatest leaps in technology and sophistication are so often accompanied by the most devastating losses of human life. Until we can break this pattern, by ensuring equitable access to the knowledge that empowers us all, we remain trapped in a cycle of progress and peril, doomed to repeat the tragedies of the past.

- #tjsweetwaterwasright


