BPNT Book Series - Chapter 25 - What is the Firmament?

7 months ago

Chapter 25 - What is the Firmament?

Let’s look at what the bible tells us about the earth when it was first made and what changed when the earth was flooded.

Look at Genesis chapter 1 again.

First of all, let's list out a few facts about the layers God talks about;

Verse 20 tells us that there's a layer above the waters on the earth that the birds fly in.

Verses 9 and 10 mention the waters on the earth that are gathered together to make Seas.

Verses 14-17 tells us about another layer above where the sun, moon and stars are placed and set in motion for the division of days, nights, seasons and years.

Verses 6-8 show us that there are layers in between the waters to divide the waters from the waters.

Notice that verse 6 says this firmament divides the waters (plural) from the waters (plural). There are many layers that are divided.

Verse 7 says there's waters “under” and waters “above”.

The word “firmament” means an expanse, and by implication; to overlay.

OT:7549 u^yq!r*; raqiya` (raw-kee'-ah); from OT:7554; properly, an expanse

OT:7554 uq^r*; raqa` (raw-kah'); a primitive root; by implication, to overlay

The layers of water and expanses are divided and overlayed in many layers.

Notice the “firmament” (layer) that God made in verse 6? It was made “in the midst of the waters” to divide the layers of waters, and He called it “heaven”. In verse 9 He gathers one layer of waters together to make dry land. In verse 20 it says that the birds fly above the earth in another layer. In verse 17 God set the sun, moon and stars in even another layer. There is a layer “below”, on the earth, that makes up the seas, the then another layer was for the birds (our atmosphere), and then there was another layer of water “above”, and then another layer was for the sun, moon and stars (outer space). The layer “above” was between the atmosphere of the earth and the cold of space to divide them or separate them from each other. Take the time to really study this and get your arms around the implications of the layers and the expanses and understand that there was and is many layers, and was more than one layer of “water”.


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