Pelosi's Confession

7 months ago

Pelosi’s Confession

It is stunning to see the left admit it even if they only do it in private. They make things up and they stick, unless we the people use our first amendment rights to stop them.

Quite often when I fire up my browser there will be a line or two on MSN that appear damning to some target of the left. I’ll hop into that rabbit hole only to find there wasn’t even a story written just a rambling incoherent musing. Why do they do this? It is a form of manipulation that is pretty subtle. It is designed to get you and a lot of other people to search for something so that it eventually looks real. If it autofills the search line it’s real right? Not at all. This is yet another manipulation technique. Don’t take the bait. Don’t let these weenies get you to manipulate search data for them. I’ve found so many lies in MSN I seldom even bother to look. I saw this one yesterday and was surprised. It was an actual article, as I read through it I noticed only one name and a crowd of nameless NPC’s . It’s the miracle of loaves and fishes, but for liars. Since I only found one name, that means it’s yet another smear game.

There was a link to a response by Elon, where they were saying he’s basically promoting racism/antisemitism and an unsafe environment. Very quickly, I’ve seen what the left’s blue cities are like. Safe is nowhere to be found in a description of any of them, except in Crime Spree Daily and Humus for Hamas. This is where that link in the article took me. Hint it’s in November 2023. They’re kind of reaching back aren’t they? I’ll run the video in full that they’re referring to after reading some of these comments.

This is the horrible racist video that started the fight.

Note that not one of these people bothered to read anything or watch the video. If they responded like this and did watch it they’re liars or stupid. For most people like these in cyberland it’s the dopamine hits from likes. It’s like watching a BSR rat slamming that pleasure center button through the side of it’s cage. We need to find a way to disrupt their handlers from reminding them to eat and breathe.
Once again, here’s Nancy wrapping up this video.

Here’s the X link to the actual post on X.

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