Can you get professional products for Bed Bugs? | Answer to a comment

1 month ago

Why you can't get Aprehend for Bed Bugs @shadowxphoenix8674
0:00 I got this comment
0:40 Why you can't get Aprehend
0:55 The knowledge
1:30 The Danger
3:35 My advice
4:00 DIY Bed Bug Control
5:14 amazing outro
So I got this comment on one of my Aprehend videos explaining how Aprehend works to kill bed bugs. Well, buddy, I'm going to use you for content so Thank You. So you are complaining that
You are going to have to call Somebody to use it.
You have to have a special application device
a sprayer, to put it out correctly because you have to put it out in a specific manner or it's not going to do the job Plus it's very expensive And the big thing here is You don't know what you are doing
The chemical, the product the killer, the active ingredient is only half the solution to any bug problem or pest problem The other half is The knowledge of how to use it the knowledge about the insect Their biology, all of those kind of things It's not just putting some stuff in a tank and squirting it around It's allot more than that Now, the other aspect to it as to why it's not available to everybody
is it's dangerous until it settles How many people Don't read the labels on things before they use them? Raid or Home defense, those kind of things It is required by law for you to read them
And allot of people screw it up
And at least at the minimum they don't get the results they are looking for and sometimes they get people sick
There have been instances of people dying because they didn't follow the label, they didn't do what they were supposed to
They didn't put it out in the amount or where or how they were supposed to and they hurt people.
So yeah, there are a couple things you just aren't going to be able to get your hands on because you don't have the training, you don't know what you are doing. Now if you get the training, you get the experience you get the knowledge, wear it out man, do it yourself But the reality is, these days especially, Most people don't pay attention, they don't follow directions, they don't do things the way they are supposed to
they over mix things they misapply things and people get hurt.
That's why you don't have access to certain products. Now, this product, if you use it incorrectly, And you breathe it in
you don't use the right kind of respirator or mask or whatever
This stuff is activated by moisture. Guess what's in your lungs buddy-boy.
Do you want this stuff growing in your lungs? Do you want fungus growing in your lungs? That sounds pretty bad to me.
So I'm sorry that you can't get stuff. Sounds like you are having a problem with bed bugs. My advice and you're probably nowhere near me, is call a professional. Some stuff you can do yourself, this ain't one of them. Most people that call me about bed bugs have already tried something. And failed. And that's why they are calling me. It is possible to get rid of bed bugs
With stuff you have access to materials
but remember it better be a teenie weenie infestation
and you better be crazy diligent about doing things correctly
Otherwise you are going to fail at it.
It can be done
but most people don't have the knowledge or the time or the patience to deal with it
And that's why
Listen, you give me all the tools at Napa Auto Parts and
roll me under the bug truck and give me the manual for it and give me every youtube video on the planet that tells me how to fix it
I'm gonna break it.
I got all the tools, I got all the fancy widgets and whatsits
But I don't have the knowledge
I don't have the experience
You are not paying for the chemical
when you are paying someone to come treat your house
You are paying for their expertise and their knowledge
but I love to kill em
Phoenix Pest Control is located at 108 S Hall Rd #3 Alcoa, TN 37701-9998
serving Blount co and Knox Co, Maryville, Alcoa, Louisville, Greenback, and Rockford TN
(865) 455-8571 call/txt
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