Bed Bugs are Gone, now what?

1 month ago

Bed Bugs are Gone, now what?
0:00 dead bud bugs
0:30 be careful
1:02 proactive options
1:50 sleep tight...
I am so glad your Bed Bugs are gone and the K9 search team has verified that. Now you can breathe easy and sleep tight. But.... Don't get complacent. If you know how you got the bed bugs to begin with make sure that doesn't happen again because if it does we are back at square one. Neither of us wants that. It's expensive and a pain in the butt for both of us. Just to be clear, if you have movie night at uncle Joes every Friday and he has bed bugs or you suspect he has bed bugs then you can't go over there till he fixes his house. Go out to eat or something, just don't go there, ;et him come over, or transfer any items between the houses. It's totally avoidable. If you ever have any questions, feel free to give me a call. We can always come check it out or even have the dogs so a search to ensure you are good to go. We even have some lure traps we can leave behind. If you asked about mattress encasements, now is the time to install those if you so desire but they are not necessary. Same goes for Blackout monitors that go under the legs of the bed. Neither of these will prevent an infestation but they will help you find one earlier than without. I am truly glad your bed bugs are gone, I know what it is like to have them. Just remember, there is nothing that will prevent you from walking one right in the front door except your diligence. Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite! Thanks for being a Phoenix!

Phoenix Pest Control is located at 108 S Hall Rd #3 Alcoa, TN 37701-9998
serving Blount co and Knox Co, Maryville, Alcoa, Louisville, Greenback, and Rockford TN
(865) 455-8571 call/txt
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