We Need to Figure This Stuff Out as a Family

7 months ago

The claims of the lady saying the n word appear to be false, the youngins were just messing around and making things up. Youngins like those ones with their rambunctious attitudes are the reason I still have hope in America. Too many people are quiet and fearful making them easy to instill obedience into and that's why the CCP is strong but energetic kids will be the kids who save America. Maybe to some they will seem mean and offensive but I'm going to bet they will grow up to be respectful men that respect other people with a high chance of opposing the evils of the Democrat-Republican system which enslaves society.
Listen to the message at the end “we’re homeless, we are the same” that's what people need to hear. The lady may be high but that just means she needs help getting down. She is actually a very nice and thoughtful person when she is not high, the problem is that she’s not not tripping often. Tripping all the time is super bad. Why would society allow such a thing?
Must understand the book Unrestricted Warfare by Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui....
What we need is for the government to be more active in helping high people get sober. Right now the government is helping high ranking people destroy themselves and we have the CCP operating their master plan right before our eyes.
Folks don't do heroin. Drugs are bad. Racism is bad. Being anti gay is bad. The CCP is bad.
Be good.

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