How Al Muti bila become 23th Caliph of Abbasid Caliphate المطی بلہ 23 ​​ویں خلیفہ کیسے بنے؟

6 months ago

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How Al Muti bila become 23th Caliph of Abbasid Caliphate

Asslamoalaikum sisters brothers friends and elders. We are describing the fascinating rise to power of al-Muti Billah, the 23rd Caliph of the Abbasid Caliphate in this Islamic historical and educational video. Get to know about the history and significance of his reign in Islamic history. Like this video to show your support for more content like this!

In December 945, the Daylamite troops of the Buyid ruler Mu'izz al-Dawla (r.?945–967) seized Baghdad. Mu'izz al-Dawla became the de facto 'protector' of the Abbasid caliph, although the title of amir al-umara apparently passed to his older brother, Imad al-Dawla, who was reckoned as the chief Buyid emir. On 29 January 946 (or 9 March, according to other accounts), al-Mustakfi was deposed, and on the same day, Mu'izz al-Dawla raised al-Fadl to the caliphate, with the regnal name of al-Muti' lillah. The sudden reappearance of al-Muti', and his rise to the throne, was apparently a surprise to contemporaries, and led to stories that he had conspired with the Buyids already since the time of al-Muktafi's accession.

Medieval sources tended to justify this change on religious grounds. The Buyids and their followers were Shi'a sympathizers, and two later chroniclers, Muhammad ibn Abd al-Malik al-Hamadhani (d. 1127) and Ibn al-Athir (d. 1233), report that Mu'izz al-Dawla toyed with the idea of deposing the Abbasids outright and installing an Alid on the throne of Baghdad, only to be dissuaded by his secretary, Abu Ja'far al-Saymari, who pointed out that in a clash between himself and a Shi'a caliph, the Daylamite soldiery were likely to side with the latter. This is clearly a later anachronistic interpolation, and the historian John Donohue disclaims any religious motivation in al-Mustakfi's deposition. Other chroniclers provide different reasons, such as the caliph's intrigues with the Hamdanids, or al-Fadl's emerging from hiding and inciting the Buyid ruler against his cousin, but the chief reason was likely simply that Mu'izz al-Dawla wished to have a caliph who was under his full control with no external sources of support.

The deposed al-Mustakfi was blinded, apparently as a revenge act initiated by al-Muti', and spent the rest of his life as a prisoner in the caliphal palace, where he died in September 949.

So friends tomorow we will be described Role and relations with the Buwayhid. al-Muti Billah 23th Caliph of Abbasid Caliphate. and now please permit us upto tomorow. Allah Hafiz


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