Bird Flu Scare is a Total Fraud -- The Goal is to Create Food Scarcity, Food Inflation and Fear

7 months ago

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger and founder of Natural News says that this whole Bird Flu scare is a total fraud.

When they run PCR tests and they say that they found bird flu in cows or chickens or humans or anything, it’s a complete fraud.

There is no diagnostic capability for the PCR test to determine whether an animal has bird flu. If they want to find a sequence that is similar to bird flue you just amplify the number of cycles.

Once you increase the number of cycles and amplification you can find anything. You can find any protein sequence that is desired.

This is EXACTLY how they ran the numbers of Covid Diagnosis way up and they said people had Covid but were “Asymptomatic”. Bull f*cking sh*t.

Covid was a plan.

This is a plan.

Just as they used that “reliable” PCR test to shut down the world, they are using the PCR test to shut down the food supply.

What they do is roll into some giant chicken farm, happened in Texas and they swab a couple of chickens and they magically find what they say is Bird Flu with their fake PCR diagnostic tool and they say that this chicken farm has bird flu, we have to euthanize the chickens before it outbreaks.

That’s a lie.

This is not saying that Bird Flu doesn’t exist because they have modified it in USA Labs and when they want to release it to “back up” what they have been pre-programming us for, they will release it.

They it will be like Covid 2.0 and they will push those Healthy Bird Flu Jabs.

This is an attack on the Food Supply, to shut it down, drive up food prices, create inflation, increase food scarcity and to spread some fear porn to scare people into the next round of Covid.

The CDC just so happened to have “contaminated” PCR tests for humans and that is how they were spreading the flu / covid. What do you want to bet that these PCR tests they are using to test animals are “contaminated” with the H5N2 Bird Flu Strain?

If they can raise the fear levels that everyone will get Bird Flu, people will believe that killing all these animals is well justified and they will be begging for another beautiful needle to be jabbed into their arms.



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