Yonatan Daon and Dr Gavin Morris on the Vikki Campion Show - 310724

5 months ago

GUEST OVERVIEW: YONATAN DAON is Development Coordinator at the AYN Rand Institute. Yonatan manages relationships with Objectivist communities and local organizations worldwide. He organizes speaking tours in Europe and Australia and coordinates webinars in South Asia and Africa. He is also involved in development research.

GUEST OVERVIEW: Dr Gavin Morris is an active mem­ber of the Alice Springs com­mu­ni­ty. As an educator and Coun­ci­llor, Gavin Mor­ris has spent more than two decades help­ing young peo­ple across Aus­tralia devel­op tools to be suc­cess­ful in life. He is cur­rent­ly the Prin­ci­pal at Yipirinya School and a lec­tur­er at Charles Dar­win Uni­ver­si­ty and holds positions on several Boards.

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