The Hawfinch: Close Up HD Footage (Coccothraustes coccothraustes)

7 months ago

The Hawfinch is a big, tough-looking finch you might spot in UK woodlands. It's got a massive beak that can crack open cherry stones and other hard seeds - pretty impressive! These birds are about the size of a Starling, with orange-brown feathers and a big head.
Hawfinches are quite shy, so they're not easy to see. They like to hang out at the tops of tall trees, munching on seeds and fruit. In spring, listen out for their short, sharp whistle calls.
These birds don't move around much, usually sticking to the same areas all year. But sometimes, when food's scarce, they might turn up in gardens looking for treats.
Sadly, Hawfinch numbers have dropped in recent years. We're not sure why, but it might be because of changes to their woodland homes. Conservation groups are working hard to help protect these fascinating birds and the places they live.

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