The Olympics Demonic Last Supper Mockery | The Rob Maness Show EP 386

2 months ago

The world hates us, we Christians. That is the truth, a simple fact many in today’s society refuse to acknowledge, but we must see it for what it is, a war on Christ and his followers by the Prince of Darkness and his demonic army. The recent satanic opening of the Olympics in Paris, openly mocking the Last Supper is only the most visible of this war on us. We live in a world that sends Christian men and women to prison for protesting the murdering of unborn babies while releasing rapists and murderers from jail without bail, or even worse, by refusing to arrest them when evidence clearly shows their vicious nature is a danger to society. Our children are being subjected to disgusting transgender ideology indoctrination and mutilated by removing their sexual organs or chemical castration while the rights of their parents to say no are under attack by a legal system turned on its head against us. The results? A world where young American women can’t walk across a college campus without fear of being attacked, raped, and killed and children aren’t safe from those they’re supposed to trust like elementary school teachers. The question of how we got here and what we should do going forward must be answered by Christians everywhere with an eye on our children’s security in the future. My guest today is Mark Tapson. He is the Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, focusing on popular culture. He is also the host of an original podcast on Frontpage, “The Right Take With Mark Tapson”.

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