MR. NON-PC: The Devastating Effects Of Chemtrails...

7 months ago

So if you tune into my videos regularly then you'll probably notice that I'll usually point out if the skies are loaded with Chemtrails or not.

And not many people want to even look up and observe the constant barrage of chemicals that blanket the skies daily.

But a few weeks back there was one day in particular where they hammering the skies non-stop with Chemtrails. And the next day, a storm like you could never imagine (a small microburst akin to a hurricane) completely WRECKED an entire area a few miles away from where I live.

So while I was hiking the other day I stumbled upon this road that I usually hike that had bore the brunt of the Chemtrails.

In this video I'll show you firsthand the devastating effects of Chemtrails.

The majority MUST start informing themselves on this evil practice and start DEMANDING that it STOP!!!

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