Playful kid forms incredible bond with older kids on their flight

3 months ago

While waiting for their delayed flight from Da Nang to Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, they witnessed something heartwarming. For two hours, they enjoyed watching a young boy's relationship with older boys blossom. All the younger boy wanted was to play with them, and despite having no verbal communication, their bond grew through laughter, high-fives, hugs, and playful teasing. When it was time to say goodbye, the young boy was inconsolable, but they were reunited on the bus. After shedding a few tears, he was once again laughing and playing with them. They became captivated by this interaction, and the video of it genuinely made them smile. They hope it brings a smile to your face today as well. This serves as their reminder to look around, notice what's happening around them, and cherish the small moments in life.

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