Day 10,000

7 months ago

I enjoy public speaking, telling stories and learning new things. Sometimes those new things are based on a goal and sometimes they are just for amusement. But we only have a limited time to learn them.

If statistics and historical data prove correct I have about 10,000 days left on this earth. before I go and meet the One who made me. How will I spend those days?

But more importantly, how will YOU spend those days?

With only 10,000 days left, if I put an hour a day into something, I can become an expert. At least that is the theory. Sounds like a challenge.

Also, another theory I have seen is that if you put 100 hours in a year, or about 17 minutes a day, you will be better off than about 95% of the people in that discipline.

So, I want to find out how true that is.

Here I go on My Last 10,000 Days….

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