X22 Report-3414-CB/DS Move Bitcoin To Stop Trump-The More The DS Pushes They Go Down-Ad Free!

1 month ago

I’m a fan of Dave at X22 Report. Here’s the latest episode without the ads. Enjoy! ;-)

Ep. 3414a - [CB]/[DS] Move Bitcoin To Another Address To Stop Trump, This Will Fail

The [CB] system is collapsig and they are causing it. They are now moving the people into their new system which is going to backfire. Trump will use the leverage against them. Since Trump announce the Bitcoin reserve, the [CB] panicked and they are trying to move the Bitcoin, big fail.
Ep. 3414b - The More The [DS] Pushes It’s Agenda The Worse It Will Get For Them, Backlash

The more the [DS] does the worse its get. Their agenda is falling apart, the people are seeing the truth especially the Ds. Soon when the event happens and war approaches this will wake up a lot of people on the D side. Trump will get the country on his side. The D party is feeling the boomerang. 
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