Ask A Priest Live with Fr. Jonathan Romanoski, FSSP - 7/31/24

7 months ago

We're live now with Fr. Jonathan Romanoski from the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter and we're taking your questions! To get your question in for Father Romanoski, call 1-877-511-5483 or email us at

In Today's Show

Does the Devil attack priests and seminarians more than others?

If the priest does not make it to mass, is the Eucharist still valid?

I divorced and remarried the same woman outside of the Church, what should I do to rectify it?

My friend who is at a different parish got worrying advice from a priest. What should I do?

My nephew is going to get married by the SSPV, can I attend?

My father has dementia, is he still obligated to attend mass?

What is the soul and where is it? What is it composed of? How are we conscious of it?

How to respond when someone says uses English/Vernacular for translated prayers is wrong?

Can we use things approved after 1962?

What are the best Catholic books besides the Bible and Catechism?

What did Father's family think of him becoming a priest?

What FSSP church is the most beautiful?

How did the Hussites view the Eucharist and the Precious Blood? 

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