BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 8/1/2024 Darlene Cerezo Swaffer & Leah Hoopes

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9am Darlene Cerezo Swaffar is not a Politician, however she is running for Congress in Florida CD23. If fact, she is not an establishment pick. Swaffar has lived and worked in South Florida as an entrepreneur for the past 30 years, and she understands what every day Americans have to go through in their efforts to raise their children in safe communities while trying to earn a living. Now, she’s determined to do whatever she can to help make the American Dream a reality for her and her neighbors by running for Congress.
Best known in her Deerfield Beach community as “The Medicare Lady” ™, Swaffar runs a successful Medicare Health Insurance Brokerage firm. Her background is in economic development, accounting and finance. Her expertise in corporate recruiting, as well as mortgage and insurance, will be valuable assets in Washington. She’s also highly-skilled in project management, strategic thinking and problem solving.
Never one to back down, Swaffar intends to question government over-spending and bring issues that affect “We the People” to the forefront.
Swaffar is a Precinct Woman #A004, on the National Small Business Association Leadership Council, was Founder of South Florida First, Inc., and is a Board Member of

10am Leah Hoopes - Leah will be talking about her extensive legal battles to uncover the truth.
Leah Hoopes is a business owner, and Republican Committeewoman for Bethel Township in Delaware County, Pennsylvania. As a Krav Maga instructor and practitioner, she trains women in self-defense both physically, and emotionally. She is a highly effective political activist, who develops strategic plans, and recruits experts and advocates to execute them. She holds an Associate of Arts degree in Criminal Justice from Delaware Community College and an Associates of Science degree in Physical Therapy from Harcum College.

Watch on BNN:

Guests: Donna Brandenburg, Darlene Cerezo Swaffar, Leah Hoopes

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