The Truth About Cancer

1 month ago

Cancer Is One Of Their Biggest Scams. They Give It To You. Hide The Cure, So They Can Use Costly Deadly & Barbaric Treatments To Make Money. Doesn't Matter If You Live Or Die. Insurance Makes Sure They Get Paid, Because They re Owned By The Same People. Everything Is Designed To Take Your Wealth And transfer It To Them. They Don't Care bout Your Suffering. They Profit On It. Thus Your Food (Also Owned By The Same People) Is Poison, Your Medicine Is Poison, Your Water & Air Are Poison. It's Just Business Folks.
Fenbendozole & Ivermectin Cure 99% Of Any Cancers. fyi
Along With Many Other Natural Things & Conditions.
From Canabis Oil to Just Keeping An Alkaline Healthy Body.

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