2 months ago

July 26/ 2024
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Post: July 31/ 2024
July 30/ 2024
Deep Stater U.S Ambassador Testifies Against Herself At White Hats Military Tribunal, Gets Schedule To Hang👩‍🚀🧟‍♀️⚖️🧑‍🚀
The US Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps last Wednesday convicted United States Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield of treason and sentenced her to hang by the neck until dead.
As reported, Thomas-Greenfield was arrested last month after she recommended to the soon-to-be-defunct Biden regime that UN “peacekeepers” be allowed to monitor polling stations in swing states on Election Day 2024. She had also pitched the idea to UN Under-Secretary-General for Peace Operations Jean-Pierre Lacroix, who took the issue “under advisement.”
JAG said Thomas-Greenfield’s “suggestions” were, in fact, an orchestrated plot to import armed UN “Blue Helmets” onto US soil to wage war against conservative voters. Thomas-Greenfield had reportedly told Jean-Pierre Lacroix that since MAGA would undoubtedly intimidate Blue voters, Biden needed international help to ensure election integrity. She had called MAGA and President Trump “empiric threats” to democracy.
Once in custody, the bloviating beast turned timid, scared as a mouse in a room full of cats. She had meekly requested a plea bargain–information for freedom. Still, JAG had no impetus to negotiate with regime loyalists who valued globalism over nationalism and who dedicated their lives to undermining the foundational values on which the Founding Fathers built the United States.
During an interrogation, she whispered, “Joesph Biden is the president, and he will help me; I am an American citizen.”
“Wrong,” the JAG interrogator rebuffed. “Biden’s not a president. He will not help you, detainee.”
A month in solitary confinement added emphasis to her detainee status.


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July 30/ 2024
Deep Stater U.S Ambassador Testifies Against Herself At White Hats Military Tribunal, Gets Schedule To Hang🧟‍♀️⚖️🧑‍🚀🐝

The US Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps last Wednesday convicted United States Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield of treason and sentenced her to hang by the neck until dead.

As reported, Thomas-Greenfield was arrested last month after she recommended to the soon-to-be-defunct Biden regime that UN “peacekeepers” be allowed to monitor polling stations in swing states on Election Day 2024. She had also pitched the idea to UN Under-Secretary-General for Peace Operations Jean-Pierre Lacroix, who took the issue “under advisement.”

JAG said Thomas-Greenfield’s “suggestions” were, in fact, an orchestrated plot to import armed UN “Blue Helmets” onto US soil to wage war against conservative voters. Thomas-Greenfield had reportedly told Jean-Pierre Lacroix that since MAGA would undoubtedly intimidate Blue voters, Biden needed international help to ensure election integrity. She had called MAGA and President Trump “empiric threats” to democracy.

Once in custody, the bloviating beast turned timid, scared as a mouse in a room full of cats. She had meekly requested a plea bargain–information for freedom. Still, JAG had no impetus to negotiate with regime loyalists who valued globalism over nationalism and who dedicated their lives to undermining the foundational values on which the Founding Fathers built the United States.

During an interrogation, she whispered, “Joesph Biden is the president, and he will help me; I am an American citizen.”

“Wrong,” the JAG interrogator rebuffed. “Biden’s not a president. He will not help you, detainee.”

A month in solitary confinement added emphasis to her detainee status.

One GITMO source told Real Raw News that Camp Delta guards had treated Thomas-Greenfield inhumanely, withholding meals until her resolve broke, and she referred to herself as “this detainee.” The guards had seeded her mind with an ineradicable, debasing thought: She was subhuman.

“This wasn’t sanctioned, but it broke her will to the point she was willing to testify against herself at her own damn tribunal,” our source said. “Admiral Crandall made sure she understood the possible consequences, but that didn’t stop her.”

On Wednesday, July 24, Thomas-Greenfield took the stand and answered “no” when Adm. Crandall asked her if anyone had coerced or threatened her to testify. She swore to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

“Detainee Thomas-Greenfield, did you ask Under-Secretary-General Jean-Pierre Lacroix to ask for UN peacekeepers, advisors, blue helmets, call them what you will, to patrol voting locations on November 5, 2024?” the admiral asked.

“This detainee did,” she answered hypnotically, eyes fixed somewhere over the admiral’s shoulder.

“Why?” Adm. Crandall.

“We must stop Donald Trump and MAGA. They are existential threats to democracy,” Thomas-Greenfield answered. You must see that; it’s as clear as the nose on your face.”

“Was it your idea, or did someone put you up to it?” the admiral asked.

“It was this detainee’s idea,” Thomas-Greenfield replied, “but Joe gave me his blessing.”

“And by Joe, do you mean Joseph R. Biden?” asked the admiral.

“The one and only,” she replied.

“So, you told him in person that you’d devised a plan to get UN troops here to watch the election.”

“I told him on the phone. One doesn’t see President Biden in person; he’s a very busy man. He’s the president of the United States of America, after all,” Thomas-Greenfield said slowly.

“How do you know the voice was Biden’s and not artificial?” the admiral queried.

“Don’t be silly, Mr. Crandall; I know President Biden’s voice when I hear it.”

“And what, detainee Thomas-Greenfield, exactly was the plan? What would your blue helmet friends have done?” the admiral asked.

“Stop MAGA, of course. We can’t have MAGA interfering with fair elections, scaring our voters,” she said.

“Our voters?”

“Yes, Mr. Crandall, the voters working to protect Biden’s presidency,” she retorted.

The admiral grimaced. “I forgot you’ve been out of the loop. See, Biden’s withdrawn, and Harris is taking his place.”

“That’s even better,” Thomas-Greenfield said. “It’s our turn.”

“Whose turn?” the admiral asked.

“Ours, and MAGA won’t stop us now that you told me,” she said. “What happens to me, personally, is inconsequential. MAGA must be eliminated.” She smiled wryly.

“And what do you think should happen to you, detainee?”

“This detainee is apparently guilty of treason, of seditious conspiracy, and of defrauding the country. Your duty, Mr. Crandall, seems clear, but don’t make the mistake of thinking ending my life changes anything,” she answered calmly.

“One last question: “Any remorse?”

“None,” she said flatly.

The admiral asked the 3-officer panel listening to Thomas-Greenfield’s testimony for sentencing, and they, having decreed her guilty, recommended she hang for her crimes.

Admiral Crandall accepted the verdict, as he often does, and scheduled Thomas-Greenfield’s execution for August 5.

July 28/ 2024
Gitmo-White Hats Military Torpedo Unidentified Submarine🧑‍🚀🚀🌊🚈💥🧑‍🚀
U.S. Naval forces at Guantanamo Bay torpedoed an unidentified submarine that did not respond to warnings and came within four nautical miles of Camp Delta on the base’s southern edge, GITMO sources informed Real Raw News.
At approximately 1:30 p.m. Friday, a White Hat-controlled warship berthed at GITMO detected an anomalous, subsurface acoustic signature inside what White Hats call the base’s territorial protection zone. The zone is said to extend between 12 and 25 miles east, west, and south of Leeward Point Airfield—sources vary. White Hats established the defense perimeter in 2018 to safeguard their assets from Deep State incursions.
The last sizable intrusion took place in Christmas 2022 when White Hat forces repelled a Deep State invasion force that sought to retake the island and free Deep State prisoners.
Friday’s incident comes as the Deep State is in the throes of desperation and consolidating its forces for an all-out war if Trump wins the 2024 election. However, White Hats have not positively identified the destroyed submarine as a Deep State boat.
A GITMO source said a sonarman acquired the contact only after it was dangerously close to and, were it armed, within weapons range of torpedoing several ships either docked or patrolling territorial waters. He declined to comment on how an unknown ship circumvented the base’s Sound Surveillance System (SOSUS) like the passive sonar developed by the Navy to track Soviet submarines during the Cold War.
“I’m not describing our defenses, but we should’ve heard it long before it got that close. There’s always been the issue of slow-moving electric boats, and that’s what this was,” our source said.
The sonarman, he added, was able to determine that the sub had a single screw and was traveling north at 4 knots at a depth of approximately 150 feet. The boat’s sound quality didn’t match any known ship in the Navy’s acoustic database, and he opined the sub was not a U.S. or foreign warship but rather a civilian-style sub similar to tourist submarines such as those used by Atlantis Adventures.
GITMO tried radioing the sub and issuing a warning using the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System, but the sub was unreachable or ignored the calls.

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