The Fall of the West...

7 months ago

It`s becoming clearer by the day, that there is a shadow government running the USA and that shadow government has been running the USA for decades. They control the CIA, FBI and Federal Reserve. They are behind all assassination attempts, all terrorist attacks, all Mass shootings. They lie , cheat and deceive the american people on a daily basis. They were behind 9/11, deceived the nation into going to war against Iraq, Afghanistan. Darpa created the Covid Jab, and that jab has wounded and killed hundreds of thousands. The people of the USA , are the most vaccinated worldwide. The Government of the USA doesn`t give a shit about its people, but instead they use them as Lab Rats, and fodder for war! The so called `politicians` are mere puppets, Trump pushed the jab and does whatever the shadow leaders tell him to do. The shadow government creates the idea that only Trump can put a stop to the madness, and at the same time tells the americans Trump can be beaten by Harris. It`s a clown show! They choose the winner, they just tell the americans that so and so got more votes.. Just the same way they robbed Trump. The Establishment knew that, but did nothing! The USA is the 2nd Beast mentioned in Revelation 13, it forces the whole world to follow its dictates. It sabotages all other nations, it is responsible for all terrorism and coups worldwide. It is a Snake wrapped around the world. It has denigrated the entire Western Civilization, and promoted every perversion that you can imagine. It is now driving the world into a devastating war. It doesn`t care how many millions will die. It killed millions of vietnamese, dropped nuclear bombs on Japan, killed Iraqis , afghanis, Syrians and Palestinians, it created the Covid vaccination, denigrated and dehumanized western civilization. It has its puppet leaders worldwide doing what they`re ordered to do. It`s time to wake Up, and reject everything from the snake USA and its G7 puppets in the west. The USA uses AI to co-ordinate all western government policies. Macron, Starmer, all the EU and UK just follow orders. People worldwide are being duped by the USA, but not for too long more...

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