U.S. Presidential Candidate (# P40015604) hostage under duress. I did my due diligence. No mercy.

2 months ago




I am 100% innocent. I am “under duress” with all my human rights illegally denied to me. My assets have been illegally stolen from me. My wife divorced me and stole all my money in her retirement accounts; she committed perjury claiming there were no assets to divide. My wife never told me she was a CIA asset, but I suspected it when she didn’t listen to my advice, she disrespected me, she seemed to be taking orders from someone else, and she tried to murder me. If anyone is a CIA asset, it is her. I used her email password that she told me. If there is anything fishy about that password, blame her (not me).
My wife lied in her marriage vows that she would love me unconditionally and laugh at my jokes; she divorced me, married someone else, and has been defiled giving birth to his children. My 1st wife is dead to me in every way that matters, and I am free to remarry. What remains of my 1st wife is an unregenerate spiritual zombie whose spirit is dead (not filled with the living waters of the Holy Spirit). I have no classified information. Everything I have learned is from the public domain. If God did a “bait and switch” of the timeline, that is not my problem. I was never in any intelligence agency, I never signed any non-disclosure agreement. I was never in the military. Anyone who falsely claims I was in any intelligence agency, military, or signed a non-disclosure agreement should immediately be executed for lying to take away my basic human rights (crimes against humanity). I am a whistleblower. I have done my due diligence. Everyone who has illegally retaliated against me via law-fare should be executed. Everyone responsible for having me illegally kidnapped should be executed (USC Title 18 Section 241). Everyone at Timeshare Compliance who falsely claimed that I signed a non-disclosure agreement with them should be executed. Everyone responsible for literally torturing me after I was illegally kidnapped February 4, 2021 should be executed. There will be no mercy and no pardon for any member of the intelligence community who has illegally held a registered candidate for U.S. President hostage and illegally used him for slave labor (crimes against humanity). There will be no mercy nor pardon for any member of the intelligence community in bed with terrorists who try to preemptively assassinate any candidate for U.S. President (including Donald J. Trump and myself, Chad J. Clawitter). I am 100% innocent. I have done my due diligence. Any restraining orders or criminal record fraudulently put on my record should e removed and everyone responsible should be executed for obstruction of justice and crimes against humanity. Anything they falsely have tried or are currently trying to accuse me of would be entrapment. I am a victim of human trafficking illegally used for slave labor under duress with no basic human rights (the government is in bed with human traffickers targeting their political opponents). Restore my basic human rights with $1 Million in reparations immediately or expect the wrath of God.


The Huntington Beach Police Department created a deep-fake of me, Chad Clawitter, running naked with a gun to frame me for the false-flag Lockdown at Huntington Beach High School October 6, 2015. Kamala Harris used this false-flag to try to remove 2nd Amendment Rights. The Huntington Beach Union High School District used illegal lawfare against me to retaliate against me for being a Whistleblower. They are all political terrorists “in bed” together. The following link is legal evidence including official court documents that proves they have committed crimes against humanity including kidnapping, torture, and attempted murder of whistleblowers to obstruct justice and frame the victim as a red-herring.

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy - Official US Trailer

Burn in hell you lying brood of viper scum.

Revelation 21:8 (NASB95)
“But for the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”

Hebrews 10:26-27 (NASB95)
26 For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins,
27 but a terrifying expectation of judgment and THE FURY OF A FIRE WHICH WILL CONSUME THE ADVERSARIES.

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