Are Exalted Leaders Biblical?

7 months ago

Man-worship seems to be the most overlooked and unfortunately title's can make us become prideful and boastful. Some won't even respect or listen to you unless you come from under someone. This was something Paul warned us about in the scripture. God is not a respecter of persons so we shouldn't be either. Sometimes God will choose the least likely man or woman to fulfill His Glory. The man or woman that was mistreated, abused, used and overlooked. We should treat all with respect and treat each other as we would like to be treated. Yeshua knows all of our hearts regardless of what we say with our lips. Let us repent if we have been prejudice towards anyone so our hearts can be right with God. As God is One with Yeshua, Jesus Christ.

Check out the video and decide for yourself! Peace and Blessings!
Robert Cunningham III and Juanita Shandrea Cunningham

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