Bryan Lanza on Harris’ Surge in Polls: Every ‘Sugar High’ Drops at the End of the Day

7 months ago

TURNER: “Trump’s record reflects — “
LANZA: “I mean, Biden tried selling — “
TURNER: “I don‘t think so. I mean, he has a lot of nerve if he thinks that his his record reflects American values, it does not. So, the two should come up. The American people will ultimately get to decide which one of the two represent their values. But he shouldn‘t be scared.”
JENNINGS: “First of all, Donald Trump didn‘t cancel this debate. The Democrats canceled the debate that Donald Trump agreed to, when they defenestrated the poor president of the United States, who he still — where is he? A. B) It‘s the Democrats who have put the debate details on holder. I‘m sure they‘re going to debate. They have to debate and they should debate. And, you know, Trump right now has, according to The Wall Street Journal, a 51% job approval from his time in office versus what you get out of Biden-Harris, which is somewhere in the mid 30. So when we talk about debating — “
PHILLIP: “Well, hers has popped up into the mid 40s in some recent polls. So, she’s getting a bit of a honeymoon, but it’s — “
JENNINGS: “So you think the Biden-Harris record and the job approval of this administration is going up after a week of this?”
PHILLIP: “I‘m just telling you what the numbers say, Scott. Look, she is having a moment, and you saw it there — “
LANZA: “What we‘re witnessing is a sugar high. It‘s like, the Democrats and maybe some independents are relieved that it‘s not Joe Biden, they’re like, ‘Thank God it’s somebody, thank God it’s Harris.’ But what happens with every sugar high? We all crash at the end of it. And they‘re going to crash once they start dissecting her record. And listen, I elected people in California. To win anything in San Francisco, you have to be a near socialist to win there. Those values are very much outside of the mainstream.”
FARAH GRIFFIN: “But then why hedge on debating? Because first it was, ‘Oh, well, Obama hasn’t endorsed.’ Then Obama endorsed. Then it’s, ‘Well, we were going to, but it’s Joe Biden.’”
LANZA: “It keeps it interesting.”
FARAH GRIFFIN: “Does it keep it interesting? If you have — “
LANZA: “We’re talking about it.”
JENNINGS: “He said he’s gonna do it.”
FARAH GRIFFIN: “But then he wants to do it with another, more favorable network. I mean, go with the terms you agreed to and let the — “
LANZA: “The terms he agreed to was Joe Biden.”
TURNER: “Well, we’re over that. That ship has sailed.”
LANZA: “That’s right. So we agreed — “
FARAH GRIFFIN: “But then it does seem like he’s afraid of her then.”
PHILLIP: “I mean, he agreed to debate the Democratic nominee, and Kamala Harris, within just a couple of days, is highly likely to be the Democratic nominee.”
LANZA: “And they’ll debate eventually. We’re eager for the debate because the debate, from our standpoint, really hasn’t changed.”

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