Grant Cardone: Life Changing Advice For Entrepreneurs | Hustle To Success

1 month ago

In today’s exciting episode Rob speaks to Grant Cardone about entrepreneurship and crucially, asks him what his advice would be for young entrepreneurs today!

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After suffering the loss of his Dad and older brother at a young age Grant has always felt like he is in a bit of a rush in life. He also lost parts of his life to drugs and so understands more than most that none of us know how much time we have on this earth, we need to make the most of what we can.


Grant is seemingly everywhere all of the time at the moment! He says he is just trying to get the right message to the right people. That is his mission.

Grant suffered with a drug problem for many years. After being left completely alone in the world he decided to go to treatment where he managed to get off the drugs. He then had to make up a lot of damage he had done and start to rebuild his life. He took this energy and put it into his sales job, creating a career.

You are never too young to realise you live on a planet that runs on finances. We can teach our children this early to get them prepared for the inevitable. Children can easily make more money than their parents, there are ample opportunities out there.

The game is communication. Having great communication skills early on and being able to argue effectively is invaluable. If Grant was 15 today, he would be going after the kid/parent market, would create a YouTube channel about how parents can enable their children to learn faster. He would create hacks, courses and books. He would attract a large audience so he could then sell to them. If you don’t have an audience you don’t have a business, so that is the first step.

An entrepreneur is a risk taker. To be an entrepreneur you HAVE to take risks, it’s in the job description!

#GrantCardone #Entrepreneur #EntrepreneursAdvice

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❝If you don’t risk anything, you risk everything❞ - Rob Moore

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