Zlatko Jovanovic: Denmark is interested in an EU which progresses in social terms

6 months ago

Cross-border Talks' Vladimir Mitev speaks to Zlatko Jovanovic of the Democracy in Europe Organization, based in Denmark, about the Danish economic and security interests towards Romania and Bulgaria. Zlatko Jovanovic says that Denmark has interests in agriculture in Romania, but in recent times the Danish public attention has focused more on the Western Balkans as its countries could potentially join the EU.

Also, Zlatko Jovanovic reminds that strategically Denmark is interested in social progress, in modernization, cohesion "Denmark wants to empower people that want to take part in the democratic societies of the EU", says the Danish expert. He adds that Denmark has a bit of a British perspective on the EU, tends to see the EU as a market, as a economic community, and not as an organizating moving towards federal state. But after the Brexit, Denmark has been moving towards French understanding of the EU and thus social issues become more important.

What initiative or steps between Romanians and Bulgarians could promote trust between themselves? Zlatko Jovanovic underlines that the two countries remain somehow mysterious to Western Europe. He recalls the Open Balkans community, which is a mini-Schengen area in the Western Balkans. But with regards to Romania and Bulgaria such a mini-Schengen initiative could cause opposing effects and reactions. As for their joining the Schengen area, the two countries have somewhat mysterious and maybe negative image in the Western Europe, as news are usually published about them, when something is not alright.

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