Southport Riots: 2nd Attacker, Muslim Caught!

7 months ago

#SouthportRiots #Muslim #Terrorism
What mainstream media will not tell you:
Identity of second Muslim attacker confirmed on here, time stamp: 2:29
They don't care about police NOW?!' | VIOLENT Southport riots condemned as hypocrisy against police

Southport: Police face riot and vehicle burned as chaos erupts
Violence erupted outside a mosque in Southport this evening, with police vehicles set on fire and objects thrown at officers,
following the stabbing incident which killed three children. The trouble flared at around 7.45pm when what Merseyside
Police described as a large group of people – believed to be supporters of the English Defence League –
began to throw items towards a local mosque on St Luke’s Road, which is just around the corner from the scene of the knife attack on Hart Street.
Whoever seeks a way other than Islam,1 it will never be accepted from them, and in the Hereafter they will be among the losers
Surely those who reject Our signs, We will cast them into the Fire. Whenever their skin is burnt completely, We will replace it so they will ˹constantly˺ taste the punishment. Indeed, Allah is Almighty, All-Wise.
Do they not know that whoever opposes Allah and His Messenger - that for him is the fire of Hell, wherein he will abide eternally? That is the great disgrace.
"Indeed, THOSE who disbelieve from the People of the Book and the polytheists will be in the Fire of Hell, to stay there forever. They are the WORST of all beings."

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