Aaron Siri on Vaccine Manufacturers Financial Motivation Over Vaccine Safety.

7 months ago

(found on Dr. Judy's transcripts: https://therealdrjudy.com/judy-mikovits-transcripts/)

I think the primary driver is that when it comes to drug products, the manufacturers are on the hook after it's licensed in terms of liability. So if they license a product, a drug that causes widespread harm, they've got to pay for those injuries, that economic interest drives them to want to know the safety of those products before they go on the market, because they could stand to lose far more money than they make. But when it comes to vaccine products, because the National Childhood Injury Act of 1986, they're not on the hook. Vaccine manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies know that they are not gonna have to pay for virtually any injuries caused by their vaccine products. And so they don't have the same economic incentive when they do those clinical trials for vaccines to ensure their safety before they go on the market.

Aaron Siri - 07/30/2024
Full X Space: Clinical trials FDA relied upon to license childhood vaccines (icandecide.org/no-placebo): https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1ynJODQVbDXxR

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