6 months ago

her in 2018 from her top-rated sitcom Roseanne (which was subsequently rebranded The Conners), and compared her treatment to that of two other popular transgressive comics, Dave Chappelle and Louis C.K.

“They didn’t do it to anyone else in Hollywood, although they always [mention] Dave Chappelle and Louis C.K.,” she told The Los Angeles Times. “Well, Louis C.K. did lose everything, but he committed an actual [offense]. And Dave Chappelle was protected by Netflix. I’m the only person who’s lost everything, whose life’s work was stolen, stolen by people who I thought loved me. And there was silence. There was no one in Hollywood really defending me publicly, except for Mo’nique, who is a brave, close, dear friend.”

Chappelle has continued making content for Netflix despite coming under heavy criticism for his material focused on the transgender community, while FX canceled C.K.’s series Louie after he admitted in 2017 that he masturbated in front of female colleagues. Since then, C.K. has resorted to self-distributing his comedy specials. Both men have also received post-scandal Grammy awards for their work.

Barr’s career-shattering 2 a.m. tweet compared White House advisor Valerie Jarrett to the offspring of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Planet of the Apes movies. She later claimed she didn’t realize Jarrett was Black and that she was on Ambien at the time.

“It was a witch-burning,” she adds. “They denied me the right to apologize. Oh my God, they just hated me so badly. I had never known that they hated me like that. They hate me because I have talent, because I have an opinion. Even though Roseanne became their No. 1 show, they’d rather not have a No. 1 show…. When they killed my character off, that was a message to me – knowing that I’m mentally ill or have mental health issues – that they did want me to commit suicide.”

ABC had no comment on Barr’s interview.

Now Roseanne is launching a stand-up special Monday on Fox Nation titled Roseanne Barr: Cancel This!

The comedian added that her new special doesn’t hold back. “I’m so happy that this is the most offensive in my stand-up that I’ve ever had the balls to be,” she says.

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