Electrical Filters for Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity – Interview With Magda Havas Ph.D.

7 months ago

2018 Interview

In this interview, Magda Havas, Ph.D., discusses the benefits of electromagnetic field (EMF) filters. These devices are particularly important for those who are electrosensitive.

If you’re Type 1 or Type 2 diabetic and are electrically hypersensitive, your blood sugar may increase when you’re exposed to dirty electricity.

Risk factors for electromagnetic hypersensitivity include spinal cord damage, whiplash, brain damage, concussion, chemical and heavy metal toxicity, impaired immune function and bacterial or parasitic infections such as Lyme.

Dirty electricity has been shown to worsen multiple sclerosis (MS), and many MS patients report improvement when installing EMF filters to remove dirty electricity from their environment.

Dirty electricity may also worsen asthma, heart problems, anxiety, infertility, tinnitus and other health problems.

Test reveal microwave radiation causes red blood cells to aggregate and clump together, which can raise your risk of stroke, heart attack and other health problems.

Article link: https://bit.ly/3SqG2Q7

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