GLOBAL CURRENCY RESET Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of July 30, 2024

2 months ago

Possible Timing:  Tues. 30 July 2024 EBS Worldwide, Declass: Trump returns and brings back JFK Jr, Diana and others who faked their death.

B. Global Currency Reset:  Tues. 30 July 2024 Wolverine: “We’re in for a magnificent week. We’re going to get some good news today.”

Sun. 28 July 2024 Wolverine Special Live Chat:

 “Looks like this is the week we have been waiting for. I am inundated with much intel coming through and it all lines up, and none of these sources know one another. So, this looks like it is definitely coming. Received news from the leader of the Pentecostal and all the documentations are now about to be finished, they have to do documentations, and at last, the process has commenced, and by 31st will be able to hand physical money to the leaders, and I hope this happens as this platform has been on a roller coaster!

 I will read this out what I received a few hours ago: “Welcome to the new era, with quantum cards for financial transactions, and also for the rate access to exclusive QFS without need for banks according to reports, this Sunday from 1800 hours, Zurich time payment notifications can begin. In Brazil - it will be early in the afternoon and expectations point to notifications today and payments starting on Monday for T2 and T3 title holders and then notifications for managers of spreadsheets of T4 operations, starting on Tuesday, July 30th. None of this gets confirmed, as things can change, but at the moment it is a high possibility that this Intel is 100% real.

 Today is Sunday July 28th for you, so we wait to get action. I am very confident we will get incredible results coming out!  Another country in Asia I cannot name, now says their platform is completely liquid, and are now on the verge of releasing funds to members - and that is 100% according to the source in that platform, and again confirmed last night.

 The Precatorious group, by mid-week, will be able to release funds to its members, as they are now liquid, having spendable money. Obviously, everything is a process, and those funds should be released to its members.

 Also receiving a lot of intel from Brazil looks like they are waiting for this to be released for the end of the month. We are looking by the 27th, which is already your 27th, that things should start, and then they are looking then from 27th onward to the end of the month. to the 31st of the month we should finally expect what we have been expecting for a long time.

 Regarding me, I have to go soon, waiting to get the call to go. I must leave, having to do something important, and I cannot tell you what it is or where I am going. I will be out of here. You will only hear an opera from me. I will leave the room with our beautiful Carpathia and Shelby to look after this channel. I do need to fly off, but you will see me during the get together. I will be under NDA, maybe I can speak with you, but not about the RV.

 I thank each of you for supporting me for a long time. It has been quite a challenge and journey and has not been easy. Lots of sleepless nights. Ongoing attacks each day. Anonymous phone calls and insults. Getting into my Facebook account and sending private messages to my family and friends saying I am a scammer and saying filthy words against my mother and hoping my brother dies I am sure these people are paid by cabal to do this. Otherwise, why the urgency for the need to attack  Hoping anytime this week the opera will be released.

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