PUN 126!

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Patriots Must Unite NOW Before It's Too Late! , Bibi-Israel's Crime Minister-Gets 53 Standing Ovations from the Israel Lobby Whores in Congress, A Big Patriot Loss: vdare.com Has Suspended Operations Due to Unprecedented AWMAC Attack(AWMAC:Anti-White/Anti-Male/Anti-American/Anti-Christian), About Half of " Chief Diversity Officers " at Colleges and Universities Are Black Females(Who Are Only 6% of the Population!), Mitch McChao Wants Those Protesting Against Israel on College Campuses to Be Prosecuted, Trump Finally Criticizes FBI Director Fay Wray!(It's About Time!), Another Member of the Jewish Mafia: Peter Nygard, More Proof That " National Conservatism Conference " Is a Neocon Front: Neocon Teddy Wold Spoke at Their Recent Conference, Inter Alia

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