Impression and Expression #233

6 months ago

This is a discussion of what the impressionist is trying to express.. Quoting R. H. Ives Gammell: “As the nineteenth century progressed painters became increasingly free to pattern their activities according to individual temperament, some leaning towards the craftsman-producer type, others to that of the artist-interpreter. It then became apparent how deeply the character of a painter's work was marked by whether he envisaged his art primarily as a craft or as a means of self expression. "Modern" painting has demonstrated what can happen when the emphasis shifts completely to the latter acceptation without a compensating interest in or knowledge of the craftsman's approach”.

The impressionist’s mission is to ‘interpret’ the magic, the beauty, of the scene before him. He attempts to so articulate what he sees that the viewer might share his sense of it, his response to it. His expression is limited to that.

In Response to Hal

QUESTION: Interesting video. I've looked at your personal work and can't help but be puzzled. You seem to understand how to 'paint the color of light' as is often said of Sorolla but the work as a whole seems sterile. Reminds me of Daniel Graves, Michael John Angel and other 'classical realists' in that your particular technique has become the entirety of your artistic expression.

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