Elon - How many humans can Earth sustain

7 months ago

Here we see a video from an interview with Elon Musk.

Elon: “How many people can the Earth sustain sustainably without doing what most people consider to be significant environmental damage? If you really crunch the numbers, I think it could potentially be ten times the current population. "I don't think so," he said.

Jordan Peterson: "That's a very countercultural statement. Since the mid-1960s, the moral proclamation has been that there are too many people in the world. I think Paul Ehrlich was the ultimate defender of that view. ”

Elon Musk: "His analysis was very unscientific. I think he based it on a visit to Delhi. He surrounded himself with science and produced nonsense. How much land do we need to grow food? How much would this affect natural habitats? What is the real potential for growing food? We're actually pretty good at it and we're getting better. Is there enough water? Well, there's plenty of water, because the Earth is 70 percent water. . . There is really no shortage of water, land or energy to grow food.

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