On Cancellation and the Use of Power

7 months ago

The definitive analysis of whether the Right should engage in "cancellation" of our enemies. You're welcome.

The written version of this review can be found here: https://theworthyhouse.com/2024/07/30/on-cancellation-and-the-use-of-power/

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"At the risk of being viewed as a Boomer, which I am not, let us ponder the immortal lyrics of the band Kansas, from 1977: “I close my eyes / Only for a moment, and the moment’s gone.” Such a moment sparked for the American Right, a few weeks ago—the feeling that we were on the doorstep of ascendancy. In the past, this feeling has always been an illusion, swiftly dispelled and leaving the Left in ever-firmer and more malignant control. What will happen in 2024 remains to be seen, but the recent feeling of ascendancy has also already faded. It was inevitable; no great political change ever comes without a high price, and the greater the change, the higher the price. We must buy the ticket, and we must take the ride." . . .

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